Dad looking for Driver training for 14-yr old daughter
Configuring my own simulator to get some hand/eye coord for my daughter before she goes out in her car for real. Got the Thrustmaster Racing Wheel (Ferrari) and pedals for $70. Downloaded this racing game as a cheap trial to see if wheel and pedals were good enough - now I am addicted. Running on an old 2009 iMac core-two duo with 8GB memory. Runs great. Graphics are good and the physics are fairly good in the HARD mode with Anti-skid off and the other auto stuff off. I have raced a Miata on a real road course and have always been critical of a lot of bad physics models in race games. This one is probably not perfect - but for $13, how can you beat it. Install was mindless and the USB connection was automatic on the Thrustmaster (read some reviews of guys having problems - but probably on a Windows machine).
If anyone knows of a Car Driving Simulator for MAC OS, please leave a thread to it - only one I found is Windows based.
DT Texas about
Real Racing 2